HPTE Board approves I-25 Express Lanes Tolls
March 3, 2015 - Statewide Transportation Plan - HPTE Board asks for more public outreach prior to approving US 36 Express Lanes Toll Rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE Board Considering Adjusted Morning Peak Period Toll Rates for I-25 Express Lanes
June 10, 2013 - TRAFFIC ADVISORY - Statewide Transportation Plan - DENVER—On June 19, 2013, the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) Board will ...
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2013 News Releases
HPTE Will Hold March 3 Meeting on I-25 and US 36 Express Lanes Proposed Toll Rates
February 25, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - HPTE Board special session to discuss and act on proposed toll and penalty rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will hold US 36 Express Lanes Telephone Town Hall and Public Meeting, April 16 and 21
March 24, 2015 - Statewide Transportation Plan - Meeting attendees will learn about the US 36 Express Lanes and proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will hold US 36 Express Lanes Telephone Town Hall and Public Meeting, April 16 and 21
April 13, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Meeting attendees will learn about the US 36 Express Lanes and proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will hold US 36 Express Lanes Meeting on Tuesday
April 20, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Meeting attendees will learn about the US 36 Express Lanes and proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will host a Telephone Town HalI meeting on US 36 Express Lanes Phase 2 and Special Events Toll Rates
September 22, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Public can provide input on both topics at Oct. 1 meeting.
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2015 News Releases
I-25 Express Lanes Closed This Weekend
August 13, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Paving and bridge work requires full closure Aug. 14 –17; 20th Street Bridge rehabilitation also begins.
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2015 News Releases
IGA Phase I US 36 Project Executed with Exhibits
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US 36 Phase II
US 36 Managed Lanes Phase 2 Background Information
Join US 36 Express Lanes Telephone Town Hall, Tonight
October 1, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Discussion will focus on the US 36 Express Lanes Phase 2 and Special Events proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases