Toll rates to be set for I-25 North Express Lanes between 120th Avenue and E-470/Northwest Parkway
March 4, 2020 - Denver Metro Area, Colorado - Learn more about the completed project and proposed toll rates during a telephone town hall on March 5.
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March 2020
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Colorado Transportation Investment Office
HPTE Will Hold March 3 Meeting on I-25 and US 36 Express Lanes Proposed Toll Rates
February 25, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - HPTE Board special session to discuss and act on proposed toll and penalty rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE Board approves I-25 Express Lanes Tolls
March 3, 2015 - Statewide Transportation Plan - HPTE Board asks for more public outreach prior to approving US 36 Express Lanes Toll Rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will hold US 36 Express Lanes Telephone Town Hall and Public Meeting, April 16 and 21
March 24, 2015 - Statewide Transportation Plan - Meeting attendees will learn about the US 36 Express Lanes and proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases
CDOT and HPTE Publicly Release the I-70 East “Request for Qualifications” on March 25
March 25, 2015 - Statewide Transportation Plan - Release to Public and Industry Continues HPTE’s Commitment to Increase Transparency and Outreach for I-70 and ...
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2015 News Releases
State Audit Reports HPTE’s US 36 Express Lanes Project “provided best value for taxpayers”
March 30, 2015 - Metro Denver Colorado/CDOT Region 1 - HPTE’s first public-private partnership project was overall best value.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will hold US 36 Express Lanes Telephone Town Hall and Public Meeting, April 16 and 21
April 13, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Meeting attendees will learn about the US 36 Express Lanes and proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases
HPTE will hold US 36 Express Lanes Meeting on Tuesday
April 20, 2015 - Denver Metro/CDOT Region 1 - Meeting attendees will learn about the US 36 Express Lanes and proposed toll rates.
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2015 News Releases
Toll Rates for US 36 Express Lanes set in advance of summer opening
May 20, 2015 - Metro Denver Colorado/CDOT Region 1 - CDOT’s High Performance Transportation Enterprise Approves Toll Rates for Phase 1 of Project; Encourages ...
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2015 News Releases